

  • August


    Dear Trafalgar Community,
    Welcome back to a new school year! I hope this welcome back message finds you all having enjoyed a wonderful summer. As I reflect on the upcoming year and the messages of inspiration we want to share with our students, I find myself thinking back over the past year, from last summer to this one. It’s clear that the conversation around girls’ and women’s empowerment has never been more vibrant or more crucial. Across our classrooms and communities, we have seen an incredible surge in messaging that resonates deeply with the experiences of our girls. This is not just about responding to the challenges they face, particularly around mental health, but also about celebrating the strength, resilience, and potential that each girl carries within her.
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  • June


    As a final assignment in Ms. Fainsilber’s Contemporary World class, Secondary V students created Cellphilms – very brief videos created on mobile devices – on a topic related to the course's theme of Wealth. Three students earned recognition and a monetary prize in the competition’s Youth Category of McGill’s Cellphilm Festival: Roxana's film “CATS: The Big Boss” will receive an honourable mention, while Lola’s “L'exploitation des ressources naturelles" and Sofia’s “Where are you from?" were selected to win prizes.

    The films will be shown and their placement in the competition (1st, 2nd or 3rd place) will be revealed at the festival on Thursday, June 13th. Meanwhile, please enjoy the variety and creativity of the three films at this link.

    Congratulations, Lola, Sofia and Roxana! We are so proud of you!
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  • April


    Monday's total eclipse left me in awe witnessing the sheer wonder on our students' faces! In a world of routines, and sometimes fear of the unknown, these moments remind us of the magic that surrounds us. They ignite curiosity, spark imagination, and unite us in marveling at the universe's wonders. This eclipse wasn't just an event; it was a milestone for our students—a memory they'll cherish. Hearing the “oohs and aahs” reminded me that we need to embrace wonder in education and encourage questioning and exploration!! Thank you Traf team for being so invested in making this experience special for our students! Special thank you to the Sec 1 class for their hard work putting together the eclipse activities and games in the cafeteria.

    Here's to celebrating every milestone and igniting the fire of curiosity in our students!
    You can view the CTV news report featuring four of our students (jump to the 9:16 mark).
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  • March


    On February 27, our juvenile basketball team faced Laurier MacDonald in the semi-finals of the GMAA playoffs. The team fought hard and took the win (40-23). The following day, our team faced Vincent Massey in the finals. The gym was filled with spectators and the excitement roared throughout the school. Their hard work, teamwork, and determination paid off, and with a 51-19 win they have become the GMAA basketball division 4.2 champions!

    Congratulations Tigers!!! A special congratulations to Lucy who was named MVP of the game and a special thank you to Mrs. Cook and Klein for coaching and leading the team to victory. Thank you as well to our dedicated scorekeepers for helping out throughout the basketball season.

    You can read more in The Suburban.
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  • February


    Congratulations to Lexi, Violet and Sofia for participating in the 37th iteration of the Marianopolis Model United Nations Conference (MariMUN). Lexi and Violet, respectively representing Denmark and Sweden in the General Assembly - UNIDO (Sustainable Industrialization and Workers' Rights), advocated for better working conditions in the fashion industry. Meanwhile, Sofia took on the role of Genevan philosopher, Jean-Jacques Rousseau in a specialized agency called The Age of Reason: An Enlightenment Salon. Although it was her first Model United Nations conference, Sofia quickly developed her skills in diplomacy over the course of the weekend and earned herself a certificate and gavel as the recipient of the committee’s Kew Dock Yip Award for Remarkable Determination.

    All three students are to be commended for their active involvement in committee sessions and we hope they will continue to shine at future MUN conferences.
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    This week, members of the Trafalgar Senior Band performed 39 Valentine's musical telegrams over 3 days to members of the Traf community! The musicians had a lot of fun performing for everyone, and everyone enjoyed the music echoing throughout the school hallways. Thanks to all who supported the Senior Band by purchasing Valentine's musical telegrams!
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  • January


    On Thursday evening, our gym was filled with the music of the annual Honk and Squeak concert. The concert featured the Secondary 1 Band who played a variety of pieces that showcased their musical progress since the beginning of the school year. Thank you to the friends and family who watched and encouraged them as they performed for the first time together, and thanks to Ms. Offer for bringing new musicians together onstage for a lovely performance.

    The Community Food class thanks all the attendees who purchased delicious baked goods from their bake sale, which will go to fund their annual project for Bread and Beyond.
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Trafalgar School for Girls

3495 Simpson Street
Montreal, Quebec
H3G 2J7
Our diverse school community challenges and inspires girls to embrace learning, be confident, and shape a better world.